Blizzard 603e 160
Picture of Blizzard 603e
Processor: PPC603e@160Mhz with LC040@25Mhz, or 040@25Mhz or 060@50Mhz
FPU: Internal for 040 and 060
Internal for 603e
None for LC040
MMU: Internal for LC040, 040 and 060
Internal for 603e
Max Ram: 128MB
Ram Type: 2x72Pin SIMM.
SCSI-II Fast (DMA): Not available. Inbuilt on PPC603e+ versions of board.
AutoConfiguring and MAPROM function to MAP the OS into FAST RAM.
060 may be disabled by holding down key 2 on bootup.
Real Time Battery Backed Clock.
Graphics card socket for BlizzVision.